Our new event Preserving Sacramento’s Past: The Collections of the Center for Sacramento History with Marcia Eymann is coming up in 2 weeks!
“History is a conversation that the present holds with the past in order to help chart its course for the future. Surviving structures and spaces and historic collections are gifts; they allow us, in our own time, to summon up the struggles and choices, the truths and values that past generations confronted and drew on in building lives, families and communities.”
This talk will focus on the collections at the Center for Sacramento History, what
we have, why we collect, and how it is utilized. Historic collections like the
Center’s are an essential part of our democracy preserving government records
and making them accessible to the public. Private papers, images, artifacts,
photographs and film help us tell the story of how the past continues to impact us
today. Each of these collections are used locally, statewide, nationally and
throughout the world. This is an opportunity to learn about this one-of-a-kind
collection that is held in public trust by the City and County of Sacramento at the
Center for Sacramento History.